You've made the bright decision to install solar. What's next?
If you've been following this blog, you'll know that the Beam Solar platform contains robust, thoroughly explicated assess and procurement pipelines. Recently, we've released the foundation to manage the status and performance of your site as well. Here's an overview of the feature that now exists in a seperate tab, available exclusively to customers for the time being.
It brings me great joy that this can now be clicked on.
Site Status
The status of your site, at a glance.
A brief overview of the status of a managed site. Dashboard status and Mer are a quick look at how your site is performing versus expectations, and any faults requiring attention will appear here.
Real time PV performance
A graphical overview of your grid use and solar generated. Can be filtered between any timepoints.
As far as development goes, there are some interesting things occurring under the hood. For example, there's basic caching on the data returned - if we want to ask for data between dates that we've already looked at, we don't need to request it again!
Available at hourly, daily, monthly and yearly granularity.
Real time monitoring of PV performance (Daily).
Real time monitoring of PV performance (Hourly).
Expected PV performance
A graphical overview of solar generated versus expected. Expected solar is provided by Solar analytics. Available between any historical timepoints, at daily, monthly and yearly granularity.
Comparison of expected versus real PV performance (Daily).
What's next with Manage?
This first iteration of Manage focuses largely on the performance of a given site post install, while longer term plans include in platform record keeping / maintenance requests, communication and reporting. The eventual goal is to produce a quantifiable metric - the golden number - money saved since install. Providing as much as possible via our platform in a standardised manner of ground truth is a concept we hope will be very useful.