Beam’s Fresh New Look

A Minor Rebrand for a Major Impact

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news with you: Beam has undergone a minor rebrand! As we continue to grow and evolve, we felt it was time to refresh our look to better reflect our vision and the innovative solutions we offer. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of what’s new and why we made these changes.

Refining the Beam Logo

First up, our updated logo. Our original logo contained iconography that was rather ambiguous and unclear as to what it represented. We wanted something that would capture the essence of what Beam stands for—clean energy, innovation, and clarity. As a result we refined the logo into pure text, and created an icon to be used separately. Our updated logo features a sleek, modern design with a touch of simplicity. 


Selecting a new Font

The main motivation behind updating our typography was the need for a monospaced font. The Beam platform requires frequent comparison of numeric values, and a monospaced font would make this a lot easier and look a lot cleaner. We had around four candidates, and design mock ups were created with all of them to help us visualise and conclude which font best aligned with our brand. In the end we went with Chivo, which is not a fully monospaced font, instead just the numbers. This perfectly satisfied our requirements while maintaining the aesthetics of our brand. 


The new typography is designed to create a cohesive and harmonious visual experience. It’s modern yet timeless, reflecting the innovative yet dependable nature of our services. Whether you’re browsing our website, interacting with the platform, or going through our pdf reports, the new typography will ensure a consistent and pleasant experience.


Establishing the Colour Pallette

We’ve also refreshed our colour pallette to better represent the vibrant, sustainable energy market we’re a part of. 

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Apart from establishing our primary and secondary colours, it was important for us to also come up with thematic colours representing different energy types. One concern of ours was making sure our graphs and charts are easy to understand, and having well defined and consistent colours throughout would play a big part in achieving that.  


These colors come together to create a cohesive and visually appealing brand identity that’s instantly recognizable and reflective of our core values. The new palette is designed to be both modern and approachable, making it easier for you to connect with our brand on a personal level.


This minor rebrand is more than just a new look—it’s a reflection of our dedication to providing cutting-edge solutions and our commitment to helping businesses navigate the solar energy landscape with ease and confidence. We believe that this new identity will help us communicate more effectively, connect more deeply with our community, and better represent the innovative spirit of Beam.


We hope you love our new look as much as we do. Thank you for being a part of our journey and for your continued support. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Beam!

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