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What it takes to be a Beam Approved Solar Retailer

What criteria does Beam use to determine which Solar Retailers are allowed to view and submit offers for projects on our platform?

Solar Retailers and Beam
We need to ensure that every solar retailer who is participating on our platform has the capabilities to deliver our customer's project, to the standard they deserve. At the same time, we want to provide a marketplace for our customers that is open to competition from a number of solar retailers, with different capabilities and expertise.
Luckily, we don't need to include every solar retailer who applies to our platform in order to achieve this level of competitiveness. The solar industry in Australia has more than enough capable solar retailers that we can afford to be selective in who we approve, to ensure our customers are only working with the best in the country.
Take a look at the graphs below on our typical volume of applicants, how many we allow on as active participants, and how many of these engage in projects regularly!
Blog Solar Retailer Graphs

Questionnaire Criteria
To determine which solar retailers are approved, we collect the following information through our Register Your Interest to Become a solar retailer questionnaire, and make an informed decision based on their capabilities.

  1. Credit Check
    We request all solar retailers provide a credit check from Equifax.
      • We're customer aligned, and we provide guidance during the contracting stage.
      • We encourage our customers to negotiate payment milestones that are weighted towards completion of the project.
      • While doing this, we need to be confident that the solar retailer is in a position to handle these milestones, so a credit check adds confidence that the project won't stall, or even come to a complete halt halfway through.

  2. Industry Experience
    Probably the most common question from our customers about solar retailers on our platform. We record the year of the solar retailer's first solar PV Installation.
      • We typically don't consider anyone with less than 5 years experience, and the longer, the better.
      • Very often, when solar systems fail from being poorly designed or poorly installed, they fail early.
      • Manufacturer workmanship warranties of 5-10 years (or greater) have been industry standard for some time now, so poor practices and a lack of expertise can get discovered very quickly, and those responsible either improve fast, or don't last.
  3. Project Size Capabilities
    We record the largest solar PV installation (DC) the solar retailer has completed.
      • We typically won't accept any solar retailers who haven't completed MW scale projects.
      • Customers regularly come to us looking to undertake large, complex projects well over 1MW. They need to know that the solar retailers bidding for their project have experience with projects that size.
      • Additionally, a certain level of knowledge and expertise is required for projects at a large scale. There are system components, safety equipment, switchgear, and DNSP considerations that typically aren't applicable to smaller systems.
      • If they have the technical expertise to deliver a MW scale project well, we're much more confident that they have the technical expertise to deliver smaller projects very well too.

  4. Solar PV installation (DC) Case Study
    We also ask for a case study for the largest solar PV installation above, to prove it!

  5. Typical Annual Solar PV Installed Capacity
    Another extremely common question from our customers about solar retailers on our platform. We record the total MW capacity a solar retailer typically completes in a year.
      • There are solar retailers who might only complete a handful of residential or small commercial projects a year, or perhaps solar PV installations aren't even their main business. If they won a single large project 10 years ago, and did a poor job, they may satisfy the two previous criteria, but still wouldn't be a goof fit for our platform!
      • Recording the annual installed capacity completes the picture of a solar retailer's capabilities. They won't install multiple MW of capacity annually if they aren't good operators. 

  6. Insurances
    We don't allow solar retailers onto our platform if they don't have the required insurances already in place. The moment they're bidding for a project, they need to be 100% ready to contract and implement the project if required. We collect a copy of their:
      • Public Liability Insurance Policy
      • Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy
      • Workers Compensation Insurance Policy

Maintaining Approved (Active) Status 

Once a solar retailer is active on our platform, they can view and participate in projects, where their offers are scored on a number of criteria. This doesn't guarantee that they'll stay as an active solar retailer indefinitely, they need to maintain their active status.

A solar retailer's status can be moved to inactive for the following reasons:

  1. Inactivity
      • Either through not updating insurances on our platform, or
      • General Inactivity, not submitting bids on projects for an extended period of time
  2. Poor contracting experience, such as:
      • Excessive contracting delays.
      • Not honouring a price offered to a customer on our platform.
      • Proposing unfavourable contract terms to the customer, or failing to meet our minimum conditions for offer.

  3. Poor project management and implementation, including:
      • Excessive project delays.
      • Unsafe practices on site, or not respecting the safety protocols / inductions etc required by the customer.
      • Poor communication or scheduling with the customer with delivery times, electrical shut-downs, or anything that can disrupt business on site. 

  4. Unacceptable workmanship standards
      • Picked up when we audit a project after completion.

The importance  of Solar Retailer Selection

We will continue to rigorously screen applicants through our detailed questionnaire, and continuously update the scores of successful solar retailers. This incentivizes retailers to provide the highest quality service possible.

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