Platform - Procurement

What is the Beam Procurement process?

Step 0: The Vendors on our platform are pre-qualification
Before your project commences the Procurement process, we have done all the hard work pre-qualifying Vendors on the Beam platform to ensure projects are implemented to a high standard and will remain supported during the warranty period. Our Vendors must have and keep up to date the following:

  • Minimum 5-years of operation in commercial solar
  • Clean Energy Council (CEC) Solar Retailer and Installer accreditation
  • Three customer references of commercial solar projects
  • Current financials and credit score from Equifax
  • Current insurances with an appropriate level of cover

Step 1: Initial Offers
For all projects small and large we start with Initial offers. We request Initial Offers for your project from Pre-qualified Solar Retailers through the Beam Solar platform. This ensures all Solar Retailers are providing competitive pricing and a quality solution on what you want.

  • Minimum Requirements
    We have developed a 22 page Supplier Conditions for Participation that all offers must comply with. These conditions are in addition to Australian Standards and Clean Energy Council Standards and continue to be developed as standards and technology evolve. When Suppliers submit an offer through Beam Solar it must comply with all Minimum Conditions of Participation. This allows us to align all offers so a meaningful comparison can be made and any surprises avoided during contracting.
  • Project brief
    As each project is unique, we provide a comprehensive project brief to suppliers outlining all key details about your project. All information from the Assessment is available for Suppliers, including the proposed layout, connection points, electricity interval data and energy prices. We collate the site schedules, diagrams and photographs for inclusion in the Project Brief. Any additional requirements that you have can be quickly and easily add to the Project Brief and attachments.
  • Initial Offer Selection
    Solar Retailers provide competitive pricing and a quality solution through the Beam Solar platform. For each Initial Offer we calculate the equipment and warranty scores, supplier score and calculate the annual cost savings from that offer. Initial Offers provides an objective comparison of offers so you can proceed to the next step with confidence. 

Step 2: Detailed Offers
For larger projects, we can carry out a second round of procurement. Three to four Suppliers will be shortlisted for the Final Offers round with the aim of selecting one Supplier for contract execution. We manage the Final Offers process throughout the following stages.

  • Project Brief and Scoring
    The project Brief will be updated with new information, which may include structural and electrical assessments, plus additional information from the site. We have developed a detailed question set and scoring for commercial solar projects in Australia that Suppliers respond to in the Final Offers round. Question weighting can be adjusted upon request and this will inform the Suppliers' non-price score.
  • Site Inspection
    We coordinate and attend site inspections by Suppliers at the target site(s). This can be done as a single site visit with all shortlisted suppliers attending or with suppliers attending individually. We will work with your site contact to coordinate a suitable time(s) and ensure inductions and PPE requirements are met by all attendees. The site inspection will typically involve inspection of roof areas, distribution boards, connection points, potential inverter locations, potential cable runs, site access and lifting locations and potential site storage. Our solar experts will answer any project specific questions and we'll rely on your site contact for site specific questions.
  • Final Offers Selection 
    We will manage Supplier questions and responses during the Final Offers period (typically 2-3 weeks). We will provide regular meetings and updates with you to manage Supplier responses and questions, and unexpected changes in scope as the project progresses.

    Suppliers will submit their Final Offers through the Beam Solar platform and these will be scored by Beam Solar according the questionnaire scoring and weighting. We will work with Suppliers to clarify any points that are unclear and will be continually optimising for reduced price and increased quality in negotiations with Suppliers.

Step 3: Contract Execution
Once a supplier or multiple suppliers have been selected, we will assist you with contract execution. A large amount of alignment in contract terms has been achieved in the process to date with the Supplier Conditions of Participation and the Final Offers Questionnaire and scoring, however there is often work involved in finalising a contract acceptable to both parties. 

We assist with the following tasks and provide general support during the contract execution process:

  • We will request a final contract from the successful Solar Retailer incorporating the terms and conditions agreed in the tender process
  • We will review the major commercial terms and propose amendments to align with the tender requirements if they do not align.
  • We will assist your legal term to interpret the more technical contract terms specific to the solar industry.
  • We will provide feedback on acceptability of contract terms proposed by the Solar Retailer
  • We will facilitate final contract execution between the Solar Retailer and you based on terms and conditions agreed in the RFP process.
  • We are on your side during these negotiations to ensure your interests are reflected in the contract with the successful supplier.